
Life & live
Back to the story, ms wang has to face to her life, the coal train was stopping at the coal mountain and the manager of the coal mountain arrange a living place for her, but the qualification is cooking for the coal workers, at that moment, ms wang’s dream her all the rich dreams broke up.

This is not a big town, millions of poor farmers comes from the whole country, they want get a job for digging coal, unfortunaly they just get 2 dollars each day, at the first few days, ms wang put a cup of yeast into the flour to do the Chinese bread, it cost her 5 hours, then she made a decision which is leaving here.

She does not have any money to escape the coal mountain area, at suddenly, she finds the manager usually put wallet on the office desk, at the afternoon break time, she goes to the office, that wallet put on the desk, she opens the wallet and take 100 dollars, at suddenly, one hand catch her, she saw the naked manager is standing at the front of her………To be continue


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