
Film or truth

I still remember few years ago, one of the America horrors Film really shaking me when I first watch it, that film is that film based on a true story in 1974. Few years later, the other horror thing happed recently in China; one farmer find 121 cranial bones in the mountain, all of them head already cut off the skulls, the professor of LanZhou University claim that all of them are humans. The horror thing is the entire skull cut off after them dead.

The police spoke man said the two province’s police start to investigate this case. I reckon the thing like America, the police can not find the bad man, they will find a bad guy and kill him, such as 1974 America’s case.

I have searched some information about the skull,
I find a strange thing is some artist collect the skull artwork. Such as skull pot or drum and I analyse this case is some of the people want to do the skull artwork and cut off the dead head skulls, they put the golden on it also some rich man tent to buy it.
But the peoples were so scary with this case. Whatever, I am thinking may be this is a good topic to do a document films, Any suggestions guys ?


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