
Something about Dream

Dream as if you will live forever,
Live as if you will die today
---James Dean

When the radio turns on, the music, the story, it must be something about dream, I had ever hear one guy say dream comes from appetency, it can be relate as if I wanna to eat or drink, it will be a small dream, but if I wanna a car or 100 million dollars, it will be a big dream, normally, the big dreams will cause big attention in one guy’s head, whatever the big or small, if it will come true, it can be realize successful. Such as chief president of U.S.A Lincoln ever said I have a dream. This president’s dream was for the whole society and America people; maybe someone’s dream is for themselves, like money etc.

I have a dream, shot my own film, then, it come true.

Something about Film

One idea shot the DV film with the no budget that is means I write the script, draw the storyboard, arrange the schedule, take the digital camera, and edit film.

The last Xmas would take 4 weeks holiday, I did not wish to spend the bored time to do the bored things, and then, I was contacting Danif for my pattern to shot this documentary film.

Something about Script

Seriously, we wanna to shot a documentary film, but we do not have the script, we already agree with the agreement: no finish no stop. Therefore, we choose the main topic, something about refugee and life, honestly, writing the script is not a easy thing, I am writing the first half of the story, danif write the other bit, however it is good or bad, it is already finish it, then, he asks his sister to check the grammar, hold on, the story have not a name, I given this story a name as memory, but I feel memory can not realize the whole story, so I add two words in the front of the name, second hand memory. 2nd hand memory.

Something about Schedule
We separate the whole story as lots of small bits, then choose the same location as the same day to shot. At totally three days. 200 shots.

Something about DV

Honestly, I do not have the digital video but otherwise I wanna do the film, I got have two choice buy or borrow, at this time, one of my friend know I wanna to do a documentary film and he is so interesting about it, so he lend his DV to me. Lucky!

Something about Actor

Seriously, this is a low budget documentary film or maybe you can call it as no budget film, therefore we do not have money to invite a actor, other thing is Danif is agree to be the actor.

Something about Process

We mainly located at Downtown Chinatown darling harbor and UTS library, at the Downtown area, we do survey with peoples and take some motion pictures, at Chinatown area, mainly for the story process shooting, at the darling harbor area, for the actor’s show, and the UTS library, we shot the toilet when actor push the door and sick up on the toilet seat.

Something about Edit

This is a tough part when you finish the shoting, because you want to add some film effect in the film, that is quite be a long process for editing.

Something about Poster DVD covers and label

This is some skills from Donna class, Indesign and PS skills, anyway see the poster on the top of the article.

Everything is done, but I do not think this is the end of my film making, cause this roughly making can not touch to the key of film making industry. Whatever guy, give me FIVE! ^_^ 。


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