
My CD My Band

At the last weekend, my laptop windows system had some problems, I need found my computer tools disc and fix the windows system’s problem, also I found my first semester’s major project, A promotion for a Rock Band, this is a real band in China, the first CD of this Band just came out at Jan 2006, but I already made a CD cover and T-shirt and posters, it is kind of funny, but really make some fun anyway.

At the first semester, I was not good at Photoshop program operate, so I just ask my friend who was study at Beijing, he takes some pictures of this Band, then he sent to me the photos of this Band, Ok~ let’s work, draw the storyboard and flawchart etc, when I present this project at the end of the semester, I forgot to bring the journal of the production, this project just get C…..-_-

Whatever, when I see this again, I find most of the part need to modify, it is not a successful project, I got some fun anyway.

At next three days, Ms Wang is hidden at the court of the coal train, she feels so hungry and only have one Chinese bum-bread in her bag, she wants to take off that only one Chinese bum-bread to eat it, but she knows that bread will support her next few days, at the afternoon, she feel extremely hungry and some blur images seems in the front of her eyes, she seems see the future the wonderful rich life, she has a nice car a wonderful house, a good position in big company, Lot of handsome guy want her to be the girlfriend, she knows her need some food to eat, then she takes off a small knife to cut a small bit of that one tough Chinese bum-bread, after this, at suddenly, the train is moving, she felt extremely happy at that moment, she is laying down and watch the moon quietly.

The coal train stopped at the second day, Ms Wang climb up to the top and find this is a coal mountain; the workers dig the coal and transfer to the train, the noise like thousands of loudspeaker, at that moment, the whole world is silent, thousands of eyes focus on Ms Wang's face.


The Boss of the coal mountain tell the workers clean one room for Miss Wang, the boss come into Ms wang's room and talk to her

To Be continue ......


Season 1

Out Of Here

Like millions country people's trend, they leave these wife husband or parents at home, then by one train ticket flush go to big city, someone have no money to buy the ticket, unfortunaly they try to hidden in the train which transport the coal, obviously, capital city is the first choice, in the country people's eyes, Peking is a gloden city that means everywhere have the big money, everyone can pick up the money if u wish to pick.

Ms Wang xiao mei is the one of member in this immigrate campaign, she does not like stay at village and do the housework or like a farmer worked at farm,seems her name, she is 16 years old and looks like a warm flower, but she heat her parents, because her parents are very very poor, they have to working at farm at the whole day, Wang was really like watching TV, the whole village just have one Television is located at village government meeting room, everynight, all of the village peoples bring a small chair are going to the meeting room watch Tv, Wang like to watching the foreigner opra, also she took a foreigner name from the opra 'Christie', she likes people call her Christie, but most of the village peoples are laughing at her english name's speaking sound like a chinese food, except that guy, Dong Dong, he was Wang's classmate and sharing the same desk with Wang, he was really like wang until today, he try to call her name, unfortunaly the sounds were really like his face, so ugly.

The darkness night, Wang run to the coal mountain, because she can catch the coal train from there to Peking, she is hidding at the court of the big train, in the next three days.........contine