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Sorry about Blog, because i had change the background of Blog, therefore it is just 9 article on the main page, The Bloger at totally have 13 articles, check more articles , please GO TO (Previous Post) or (Archives). Thanks^^


One touching film

Mountain Patrol

The NATIONALGEOGRAPHIC invited Lu Chuan who is a chinese director to join the America film festival and promote his film.

On the Nationalgeographic website have some words about this film "Mountain Patrol: Kekexili is a film inspired by a people's remarkable mission surrounding the illegal Tibetan antelope poaching in the region of Kekexili, the largest animal reserve in China. The story is brought to the screen with great detail by director Lu Chuan. Set against the exquisite backdrop of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Chuan tells the tale of brave local Tibetans who face death and starvation to save the endangered antelope herds from a band of ruthless hunters."this film got 7.9 points for the public feedback, (Kingkong 8.3), it is a chinese western film and also represent Bad environmental problems on the world, I suggest you guys go to watch it on the cinema or buy the DVD to watch it.


I shot, U shot.

I shot, U shot.
Shot! It is not shotting people, but actually it is shotting people; people will not be killed. I do like shotting people, my hand is not handing a Gun, it is a Camera. The Camera play around on my hand, i do prefer using the Digital Video. Digital Video could record Action images. I suggest the storyboard may be is not enough for a video shotting. Some of my shotting draft plan may give you some idea about shot.

Hope these my ralfly Draft work can give U guys some idea about location and shotting, and wish you guys like it .


One Big red paperclip + One Blog = One year Free House

This is bullshit, this is impossible, this is a cheating words. Unfortunately that is truth. A 26 years old Canadian guy who lived in Montreal Canada was trying to trade one red paperclip for a house on the internet from July 12th, 2005. His name is Kyle MacDonald.

Trade 1: red clip


One day morning Two visitors from Vancouver called him up and offered to make a trade of one fish pen for the paperclip.

Trade 2. Trade & fish pen

Then when he got the fish pen, a lady called Annie contact him and offered to make a trade of one doorknob for the fish pen .

Trade 3. Doorknob


Do you like Bartered? One guy called him and offered to make a trade of one coleman stove for the Doorknob

Trade.4 Coleman Stove


September 24th 2005 San Clemente, CA, USA. One new deal completed, one red generator for Coleman Stove

Trade. 5. One red Generator


Marcin gave to him an offer for the red generator, One beer keg one neon budweisier sin one I.O.U for a keg’s worth of beer.

Trade 6. one beer keg One instant party


A new offer, One famous skidoo for red keg. Guess what, this famous skidoo from michel barrette, a very famous guy who do the own radio and TV shows here in Quebec. At that period, CNN invited him to join a TV show program.

Trade 7 Skidoo


The same week, he offer the other trade one trip to yahk for that famous skidoo.

Trade 8 . One trip to Yahk


He got a call from Bruno at Cintas at the other day, bruno offered one Cube Van for the trip to Yahk.

Trade 9. Cube Van


He traded one cube Van for one recording contract with Brendan from Club Treehouse.

Trade 10 One recording Contract


One singer wants to use one year in Phoenix for this recording contract.

Trade 11 Singer & House

This is a briefly description for Kyle MacDonald, my topic of presentation is his blog “One red paperclip”
http://oneredpaperclip.blogspot.com/ ... Cause the copyright of the photos, i am not putting the photos on this article.


2nd podcast script

。。。。。。wohoo welcome to the Friday night podcast station, the winner is coming, where can we going to make some fun ? Absolutely, u need a nice dress for meeting nice girls or boys in a party, we are like to know the new friends in the party. Follow to the music DONG DONG ~DONG DONG HEI.dong dang dang dang dang. Shaking body with dense Alcohols, that s a good thing for relaxing and communicate.

[xxxxx is inviter's answer]

Today we invite xx come to our studio, hey xx, how are u going?
Today, we are going to talk about party, such as Friday night your own life or some shit like pub or club. Do you like party?
Yeah , right, the party is good, everyone got there own purpose for going to a party, what s your purpose?
I ever usually see kind of peoples in the pub, they are talking gossip, drunk, dancing with the strangers, that is a hot place.
Wot s your worst experience in a party or pub club?
It seems all the problems comes from sex, cause some of the boring people want find a girl or boy with their and stay one night, we are calling it One night stand, yeah, like a guy standing somewhere one night, right ?
If you have the chance with your own type girl or boy, I mean he or she is your cup of tea, will u drink this tea at that night?
For the western culture, people’s sex relationship between strangers as normal, they know each other in the pub or club at the party, this is so exciting.
U know what, I had ever tell my teacher, study Friday night, he was laughing at me, for opposite, Friday night is a very hot night, in Australia, everyone wish to go out and make some fun, it can be relax the stress. Do you feel the big city usually make people stress? Such as Sydney or your own country.
Ok, everybody, Today is Friday night, what hell you waiting for? Let s go out and make some fun, Thank you for listening Friday night podcast station, next week at the same time, 6 sexy girl will be invited, if you think you are sexy hot and intellect, also have some special experience can share to the audience, Call us 9998 8876.

Shooting Experience

Every shooing is a adverture
----Ang Lee

I am so interesting about video shooting, i feel the shooting shings are so exciting, i have one chance for shooting a video at this sememster,
the video for michale whittle class's promotion.

At the weekend, i wrote a sample script for the video, then went to COFA borrow the 3CCD Digital Video at the monday morning, cause my friend he is the COFA student. unfortunaly, the actress was sleeping at home when i arrived at China Town tradational restaurant, therefore, i have to shot the other scene except conversation scene, serisouly, the video shooting usually have some problems that you have to face, such as location, actor or actress, light and weather. It was about 2pm, the actress was coming and we finish the last shot.

That is just the process, but i find my shooting skills was increasing, the other skills like how to shot follow the script was increasing also. I had ever know what will happen at next second, whatever the problems I have to solute it.

The editing is quite a hard job, it depends on the different location and scene with the noise, for the video i have to put some effects on it, for the sound i have to reduce the noise and put some effects on it also, then expert out with the AVI format and conventer to the VOB DVD format, make the DVD menu burn the DVD Disc. Sounds very interesting, but it will cost lot of times to do .


Never come back

At that moment, a big hand was catching ms wang’s arm say haha I catch u honey, u have two choice which is we are going to see the police and the other choice is sleeping with me.

……………………………Two hours later

Ms wang is already forget the pain between the legs, she’s tears was already dry, she just wants back to home at that moment. She miss mum and dad.

In the first two month, ms wang find her could not get out of there, and also she always felt sick in the morning, the manager who was rape her seems happy with that, he usually say I will be the daddy some shit like that.

One day morning, she made a decision that is stopping all the dreams and go back to home, like billions of farms working at the country side, because she know everyone have there own life. On a darkness night, she told manager she wants go to rest room, then when she comes out, she just run to the road. At suddenly, one big truck come to here and heat her head. She felt so warm at that moment, she saw her future, house; car; everything except herself.


Life & live
Back to the story, ms wang has to face to her life, the coal train was stopping at the coal mountain and the manager of the coal mountain arrange a living place for her, but the qualification is cooking for the coal workers, at that moment, ms wang’s dream her all the rich dreams broke up.

This is not a big town, millions of poor farmers comes from the whole country, they want get a job for digging coal, unfortunaly they just get 2 dollars each day, at the first few days, ms wang put a cup of yeast into the flour to do the Chinese bread, it cost her 5 hours, then she made a decision which is leaving here.

She does not have any money to escape the coal mountain area, at suddenly, she finds the manager usually put wallet on the office desk, at the afternoon break time, she goes to the office, that wallet put on the desk, she opens the wallet and take 100 dollars, at suddenly, one hand catch her, she saw the naked manager is standing at the front of her………To be continue


Something about Dream

Dream as if you will live forever,
Live as if you will die today
---James Dean

When the radio turns on, the music, the story, it must be something about dream, I had ever hear one guy say dream comes from appetency, it can be relate as if I wanna to eat or drink, it will be a small dream, but if I wanna a car or 100 million dollars, it will be a big dream, normally, the big dreams will cause big attention in one guy’s head, whatever the big or small, if it will come true, it can be realize successful. Such as chief president of U.S.A Lincoln ever said I have a dream. This president’s dream was for the whole society and America people; maybe someone’s dream is for themselves, like money etc.

I have a dream, shot my own film, then, it come true.

Something about Film

One idea shot the DV film with the no budget that is means I write the script, draw the storyboard, arrange the schedule, take the digital camera, and edit film.

The last Xmas would take 4 weeks holiday, I did not wish to spend the bored time to do the bored things, and then, I was contacting Danif for my pattern to shot this documentary film.

Something about Script

Seriously, we wanna to shot a documentary film, but we do not have the script, we already agree with the agreement: no finish no stop. Therefore, we choose the main topic, something about refugee and life, honestly, writing the script is not a easy thing, I am writing the first half of the story, danif write the other bit, however it is good or bad, it is already finish it, then, he asks his sister to check the grammar, hold on, the story have not a name, I given this story a name as memory, but I feel memory can not realize the whole story, so I add two words in the front of the name, second hand memory. 2nd hand memory.

Something about Schedule
We separate the whole story as lots of small bits, then choose the same location as the same day to shot. At totally three days. 200 shots.

Something about DV

Honestly, I do not have the digital video but otherwise I wanna do the film, I got have two choice buy or borrow, at this time, one of my friend know I wanna to do a documentary film and he is so interesting about it, so he lend his DV to me. Lucky!

Something about Actor

Seriously, this is a low budget documentary film or maybe you can call it as no budget film, therefore we do not have money to invite a actor, other thing is Danif is agree to be the actor.

Something about Process

We mainly located at Downtown Chinatown darling harbor and UTS library, at the Downtown area, we do survey with peoples and take some motion pictures, at Chinatown area, mainly for the story process shooting, at the darling harbor area, for the actor’s show, and the UTS library, we shot the toilet when actor push the door and sick up on the toilet seat.

Something about Edit

This is a tough part when you finish the shoting, because you want to add some film effect in the film, that is quite be a long process for editing.

Something about Poster DVD covers and label

This is some skills from Donna class, Indesign and PS skills, anyway see the poster on the top of the article.

Everything is done, but I do not think this is the end of my film making, cause this roughly making can not touch to the key of film making industry. Whatever guy, give me FIVE! ^_^ 。


Film or truth

I still remember few years ago, one of the America horrors Film really shaking me when I first watch it, that film is that film based on a true story in 1974. Few years later, the other horror thing happed recently in China; one farmer find 121 cranial bones in the mountain, all of them head already cut off the skulls, the professor of LanZhou University claim that all of them are humans. The horror thing is the entire skull cut off after them dead.

The police spoke man said the two province’s police start to investigate this case. I reckon the thing like America, the police can not find the bad man, they will find a bad guy and kill him, such as 1974 America’s case.

I have searched some information about the skull,
I find a strange thing is some artist collect the skull artwork. Such as skull pot or drum and I analyse this case is some of the people want to do the skull artwork and cut off the dead head skulls, they put the golden on it also some rich man tent to buy it.
But the peoples were so scary with this case. Whatever, I am thinking may be this is a good topic to do a document films, Any suggestions guys ?


My CD My Band

At the last weekend, my laptop windows system had some problems, I need found my computer tools disc and fix the windows system’s problem, also I found my first semester’s major project, A promotion for a Rock Band, this is a real band in China, the first CD of this Band just came out at Jan 2006, but I already made a CD cover and T-shirt and posters, it is kind of funny, but really make some fun anyway.

At the first semester, I was not good at Photoshop program operate, so I just ask my friend who was study at Beijing, he takes some pictures of this Band, then he sent to me the photos of this Band, Ok~ let’s work, draw the storyboard and flawchart etc, when I present this project at the end of the semester, I forgot to bring the journal of the production, this project just get C…..-_-

Whatever, when I see this again, I find most of the part need to modify, it is not a successful project, I got some fun anyway.

At next three days, Ms Wang is hidden at the court of the coal train, she feels so hungry and only have one Chinese bum-bread in her bag, she wants to take off that only one Chinese bum-bread to eat it, but she knows that bread will support her next few days, at the afternoon, she feel extremely hungry and some blur images seems in the front of her eyes, she seems see the future the wonderful rich life, she has a nice car a wonderful house, a good position in big company, Lot of handsome guy want her to be the girlfriend, she knows her need some food to eat, then she takes off a small knife to cut a small bit of that one tough Chinese bum-bread, after this, at suddenly, the train is moving, she felt extremely happy at that moment, she is laying down and watch the moon quietly.

The coal train stopped at the second day, Ms Wang climb up to the top and find this is a coal mountain; the workers dig the coal and transfer to the train, the noise like thousands of loudspeaker, at that moment, the whole world is silent, thousands of eyes focus on Ms Wang's face.


The Boss of the coal mountain tell the workers clean one room for Miss Wang, the boss come into Ms wang's room and talk to her

To Be continue ......


Season 1

Out Of Here

Like millions country people's trend, they leave these wife husband or parents at home, then by one train ticket flush go to big city, someone have no money to buy the ticket, unfortunaly they try to hidden in the train which transport the coal, obviously, capital city is the first choice, in the country people's eyes, Peking is a gloden city that means everywhere have the big money, everyone can pick up the money if u wish to pick.

Ms Wang xiao mei is the one of member in this immigrate campaign, she does not like stay at village and do the housework or like a farmer worked at farm,seems her name, she is 16 years old and looks like a warm flower, but she heat her parents, because her parents are very very poor, they have to working at farm at the whole day, Wang was really like watching TV, the whole village just have one Television is located at village government meeting room, everynight, all of the village peoples bring a small chair are going to the meeting room watch Tv, Wang like to watching the foreigner opra, also she took a foreigner name from the opra 'Christie', she likes people call her Christie, but most of the village peoples are laughing at her english name's speaking sound like a chinese food, except that guy, Dong Dong, he was Wang's classmate and sharing the same desk with Wang, he was really like wang until today, he try to call her name, unfortunaly the sounds were really like his face, so ugly.

The darkness night, Wang run to the coal mountain, because she can catch the coal train from there to Peking, she is hidding at the court of the big train, in the next three days.........contine